Chiros (hand) + practos (practice) = Chiropractic and literally means “done by hand”. Chiropractic was founded in 1895 by Daniel David Palmer (known as D.D. Palmer) in Davenport, Iowa. D.D. Palmer was an interesting fellow. He had several different careers but he was always interested in health and he was a voracious reader, especially about anything scientific. One day while in his office, a janitor named Harvey Lillardstopped by. Harvey told D.D. about an incident 17 years earlier. Harvey went deaf after he felt something “give” in his upper back while working in an awkward position. D.D. then examined him and felt what he believed to be a vertebra in the wrong position. He performed an adjustment on Harvey and the next day, Harvey observed that his hearing had returned. Chiropractic was born!
Intrigued by Harvey and his hearing, D.D. used his extensive knowledge of human anatomy and physiology to hypothesize that the nerves emanating from the spine could become irritated and that irritation could result in disease or dysfunction. How right he was! D.D. went on to further develop the science, art, and philosophy of chiropractic and opened the first chiropractic college.
Chiropractic has continued to grow and evolve into the healing profession it is today. We have much to be thankful for. To celebrate the birth of chiropractic 123 years ago, we have a special offer in our office. Dr. Stan, Dr. Justin, and I have each set aside 10 new patient appointments through the end of September. Starting Monday, August 20 and ending Friday, September 18, any current patients can buy a certificate for $18.95 (remember, chiropractic was founded in 1895…aren’t we clever?). The certificate can be used by whomever you choose (family, friend, etc.) to reserve one of these 10 new patient appointment times. A new patient appointment usually costs $205 so this is a great opportunity for someone important to you to start care. We just ask that if you buy a certificate, please be sure your family member or friend will use the certificate and schedule an appointment because thereserved times are limited.
Oh, and you didn’t hear this from me, but to add some fun to our celebration, I’m told that whoever sells their 10 certificates first wins a prize!! So, buy early and buy often, especially from me. 😀
Dr Paul Aalderink
What a great deal! :-)