Monday, April 9, 2018

Allergies, allergies, allergies... Happy Spring!

Spring is here…at least the calendar says it is.  Although it has been slow in arriving, spring will eventually get here.  That will mean warmer weather, planting gardens, daffodils and tulips, and the first smell of freshly cut grass.  Unfortunately, it may also mean some misery if you suffer from allergies.  You won’t be alone.  Some 50 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergies.
In a nutshell, allergies are an overreaction by the immune system to what is really a relatively harmless substance.  Pollen is by far the largest offending substance in the spring.  The pollen comes from all the various grasses and trees that are coming out of their winter slumber.  Most release pollen for only a couple of weeks.  Some, however, may release pollen for more than a month.  Not all grasses and trees release pollen at the same time either.  Consequently, depending on what you are allergic to, you may suffer from allergies early spring, mid spring, late spring or all spring. 
Many people will turn to antihistamines, nasal sprays, allergy shots, etc.  There are also many herbs and supplements to try as well as dietary changes.  You may recall back during cold and flu season, I talked about the importance of your gut in regards to your immune system.  In fact, about 80% of your immune system is in your gut.  A diet high in sugar and processed grains can interfere with the proper functioning of the gut and therefore, contribute to a malfunctioning immune system causing an allergy.  So take care of your gut by watching what you eat and consider prebiotics and probiotics too.  
Another consideration is to get your spine checked.  Every spring, Dr. Stan and I have many patients comment about how much better their allergies are when they get adjusted.  We don’t have some special “allergy adjustment” and we don’t “treat” them for allergies.  We simply look for the subluxations (refer back to previous blog posts if you don’t know what that is) and adjust them.  Remember, everything is controlled directly or indirectly by the nervous system.  So, if we can improve the nervous system by reducing subluxations, we can improve the immune system and potentially help with allergies.
Happy spring!!!

Dr Paul Aalderink

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