Blood pressure out of control? Is your head on straight?
Last time I discussed subluxations and the importance of finding them and fixing them. I thought it would be helpful to show a real life example involving subluxations and high blood pressure. I’m sure you are aware that high blood pressure is dangerous. It increases the risk of heart disease and stroke, the first and third most common causes of death. Oftentimes it is asymptomatic…many people don’t even know they have it until a routine doctor visit. By the time they do find out, they may have already begun to develop heart disease and kidney troubles.
There are things you can do to help lower blood pressure. There are, of course, medications. You can also lose weight, exercise, or change your diet. Most people are aware of these methods. Have you ever thought, however, of getting a NUCCA adjustment? Perhaps you should.
There is a well done randomized, double blind, placebo controlled study that looked at the impact of a NUCCA adjustment on blood pressure. The study had 50 participants. All of the participants were taken off of their blood pressure medication for 8 weeks. Half of them received a NUCCA adjustment, and half received a “sham” adjustment. The results were quite startling.
A significant drop in blood pressure was noted in the group that received the NUCCA adjustment. In fact, the drop in blood pressure was similar to that typically seen in patients given TWO antihypertensive medications simultaneously. Additionally, the improvement in blood pressure persisted for the 8 weeks of the study. The hypothesis is that the NUCCA adjustment has an effect on control centers (nerves) near the brain stem.
This is what I was highlighting in the previous blog posts about subluxations…Subluxations interfere with proper nerve communication which can result in many different symptoms. Therefore, it is important to be evaluated by a NUCCA chiropractor for the presence of subluxations. We can then adjust the subluxations, helping the body to function at its optimum potential.
Dr Paul Aalderink
NUCCA Chiropractor